Bevorderen van mijn boek – De dijken doorbreken!

Promoting my Book – Breaking through the dikes!

Leren over CreateSpace en Kindle. De Watersnood Museum. Book Sale over week-end

It has been a busy Easter Week. Een bezoek aan familie in Nederland, en ervoor te zorgen dat het boek is uit. Na het publiceren van een boek voor mijn lieve vriend Marion Dias een paar jaar geleden (Waarom verdwijnen de kanker er?), Ik wist dat de touwen. Nog steeds, it was 2 years ago and I decided to outsource most of the work to experts on Fiverr. That worked pretty well. Until I got confronted with simple things like page number. The idea of Fiverr is to have things done for a fiver, of $5. Goed, that is a base rate. After that all kinds of add-ons are offered, and in the end it is definitely more than a Fiverr.

The good news is that the work gets done when I was driving towards the Watersnood Museum, of the Overstroming 1953 Museum in Ouderkerk, where we took my 97 year old father-in-law, who decided that night to marry his wife (now deceased). That is a hauntingly interesting place to visit. Build into the very caissons that closed the last gap in the dikes 6 maanden (!) after the terrible storm that flooded a large part of Holland, it tells the story of this terrible night in which more than 2000 people where killed by the ice cold water.

What a timeline in the museum also shows, are all the floods that have taken place in the Netherlands in the ages before, killing in some cases 10.000 of zelfs maar 25.000 mensen. Never realized that. And then all the help that came from all over the world, houses being donated by many countries around Europe and beyond.

The news reels they put together from the cinema news from those days was very interesting, and showed the terrible devastation that took place by the pounding water, that had its way for over 6 months in the flooded country, covering everything in thick layers of sand and destroying most of what was there.

Titel: Disastrous Floods In Holland (1953)
Eigenaar: British Pathé

The root cause of the problem – you know I like to look at that – was a combination of nature’s force and lack of attention. Lack of attention leads to pain, as we know. The dikes in Zeeland had not been maintained to a good standard, and together with the spring tide caused the destruction.

My father-in-law thoroughly enjoyed the visit. Having lived most of the last century, he was very aware of what happened; being in the very caissons that closed the final gap was truly impressive- 60 x 19 m, probably 30 m high, these British-build mammoths enabled the engineers to stop the waterflow, timed to the minute to make sure that the flow was less than 4m per second…

Then publishing a book on Amazon seems like a small feat. But like with closing the gap in the dikes, small things can stop you moving forward. Oh, yes, you want an index in there – how best to do that? And then checking the deliverables from my Fiverr colleague, who decided to do part of the corrections, and it felt like a game of “finding the errors”. So that took me a few nightly hours. In the end, it all worked out.

Nu, the aftermath. In Zeeland, they had to get rid of the water, the sand, the rubble, building things up again.

Mine is a minor feat compared. Getting attention for the book. Getting reviews. Bringing the book under the attention of those who want to pursue a healthy lifestyle as fat burners. Ik zal houden jullie op de hoogte! Obviously feel free to get a copy of my book!

3D_KETO_RECIPE  Promoting my Book - Breaking through the dikes! 3D KETO RECIPE

Or, participate in the competitions to win a hardcopy worth US$20:

Review the book competition (special sale the coming week-end!)

Win a hardcopy competition

And working on the next one for our New Keto Fat Blaster program.

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Over de auteur

Ik zoek het verschil dat het verschil uitmaakt voor de uitdagingen in het leven. Voor mij, dat betekent dat leren, getting out of the comfort zone, vaak de boot met heilige koeien te schommelen. Apotheker met IT-business diploma en gediplomeerde coach, trainer, hypnotherapeut. In Nederland geboren Zwisterse burger.

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