Hawai’i – derniers développements à Pahoa – et comment rester en bonne santé en arrêtant votre propre flux de lave!

Hawai’i – latest developments in Pahoa – and how to stay healthy by stopping your own lava flow!

Le lava flow continues slowly and steadily in Pahoa.

Une bonne métaphore de nos propres modèles subconscients. The good news is – those can be stopped and changed, lave continue. Saviez-vous que votre subconscients paradigmes sont à l’origine de tout votre comportement? Y compris le comportement, nous considérons comme la santé ou de maladie? Joe Dispenza, in his book “You are the Placebo” describes clearly how our thinking influences our epigenetic makeup, and ultimately whether we transcribe DNA in a healthy or non-healthy way.

My motto – you are not a cat!
Cats follow a laser pointer relentlessly – they cannot think – and they are not the only animal with this characteristic…

Titre: Animals chasing laser pointers – Funny animals compilation
Propriétaire: Tiger Productions
We as humans are the only species with a conscious mind – with the ability to think independently from our old programming.

Alors, the question is – are we continuing to flow like lava, or are we ready to take on the challenge and re-direct our path to more health and happiness?
Joe’s book is an eye-opener. Particularly when you are confronted with chronic diseases, cancer, you want to know more about how to re-program your old thinking, even if you were not aware of it.
Awareness is where it all starts.

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A propos de l’auteur

Je cherche la différence qui fait la différence pour les défis dans la vie. Pour moi, Cela signifie apprentissage, sortir de sa zone de confort, bascule souvent le bateau avec les vaches sacrées. Pharmacien avec diplôme de commerce IT et entraîneur certifié, formateur, hypnothérapeute. Hollandais né citoyen suisse.

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