Gezond eten – Werken aan mijn boek

Healthy Eating – Work on my book

Vandaag ben ik helemaal blij om te delen dat ik ben bezig met een boek over gezonde voeding. Het begon allemaal lang geleden, eigenlijk, toen ik geboren werd. Mijn vader werd gediagnosticeerd met Type II diabetes (Ik werd verteld dat hij echt overgewicht was), en sindsdien was ik geknepen voor bloed. Until I started not to mention it anymore at medical checks!

The bad news about diabetes are all the complications. The high levels of sugar all over the body, combined with the insulin resistance create a caramelization of all protein structures in the body (creating Advanced Glycation Endproducts or AGE’s – Morinda story here*), causing nerves to stop working, coronary arteries to clog up with inflexible blood cells, eyes not getting blood anymore, resulting in a real disability. And as white fat tissue grows, so does the inflammation all over the body, sinds 30% of fat tissue is actually immune system tissue.

Titel: Advanced Glycation End-Products (AGEs)
Eigenaar: MorindaUniversityVandaag, Altzheimer’s is also called diabetes type III, as it is so prevalent in diabetics, who have 50% higher chance, and not to speak of the pre-diabetics, those people who go undetected today. (18.8 million Americans were diagnosed with diabetes in 2010 and another 7 million went undetected*.) The “grain” challenge adds to the problem, particularly today’s wheat with its high level of gluten and addictive making glycin have a serious impact on the brain, strongly suspected to cause Alzheimer’s through inflammation triggered by gluten. Gluten triggers not just dementia but also epilepsy, headaches, depression, schizophrenia, ADHD, and even decreased libido, to name a few. En, whole wheat really loads our blood with sugar fast, contributing to the AGE, insulin resistance and growing fat and inflammation problem.

I remember my father one day burning himself terribly in the bathroom, simply because he could not feel the temperature of the water anymore. 3rd degree burns took weeks to heal. That was after about 20 years of diabetes.

In the meantime my parents and my two siblings have died from lung cancer. My father at 60, brother at 64, sister at 62. My mother at 80, which clearly was an emotional decision. Ze zijn allemaal gerookte. Being a non-smoker at 58, the odds are better; for me it starts with the food we eat. It is not just about survival. It is about getting old happily, energetically and healthy. That all caused me to dive deep. At last count, I am covering more than 30 books and more than 30 diets to figure out what the key principles are. Good that I am pre-retired now.

While doing so, I am submitting myself to promising diets as well, taking the supplements that make scientific sense. I thoroughly enjoy going through the scientific literature, which casts my mind back to the time I started my first job at Organon, the Dutch insulin producer, as pharmacist on the licensing department. Â Full circle. And guess what? The irony of it is that now I am pinching myself to check my Glucose and Ketone levels with the Glucomen LX plus from Menarini. Cool little tool. More about that some other time, Ik zal houden jullie op de hoogte. Have a great Tuesday! Time for a Bulletproof coffee. Stay off the wheat and the sugar this week!

* (My wife Ada, is product consultant with Morinda, and we successfully brought down our biological age significantly with the Morinda Max drink.)

** Perlmutter, David (2013-09-17). Grain Brain: De verrassende waarheid over Wheat, Koolhydraten, and Sugar–Your Brain’s Silent Killers (p. 31-32). Weinig, Brown and Company. Kindle Edition. also in French: Cerebro de pain and German link Hier: “Dumm wie Brot.”

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Over de auteur

Ik zoek het verschil dat het verschil uitmaakt voor de uitdagingen in het leven. Voor mij, dat betekent dat leren, getting out of the comfort zone, vaak de boot met heilige koeien te schommelen. Apotheker met IT-business diploma en gediplomeerde coach, trainer, hypnotherapeut. In Nederland geboren Zwisterse burger.

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