Secretos parodontosis finalmente expuesto

Parodontosis Secrets Finally Exposed

Gingivitis, Periodontitis, Parodontosis

Did your dentist mention gingivitus already?


Parodontosis Secrets Finally Exposed xw5qk3

It started a couple of years ago, at a checkup with my dentist. “Mr. dejar que el, you got quite some pockets around your teeth,” and pointing to the picture on the wall, started to explain the problem. “As people grow older, tartar deposits come around your teeth, and that starts to irritate your gums, and the only way to prevent this is a thorough cleaning of your teeth, at least once a year.”

I took it like a man. Going towards 60, I gotten used to being looked at pittyfully as one in advanced age, where clearly one or two things should start to fail. Not that I believe any of it*. Pero, admittedly, the dentist had me on the gingivitis – paradontosis subscription. About a year later, another checkup, showed that my pockets were less deep, “which never happens”. I attributed it to the Ketogenic lifestyle I adopted in the mean time. I skipped one cleaning session – honestly forgot it – and at the beginning of the year, had another thorough 1-hour job where everything that stuck, got scratched, filed, polished away. I was home free!

Not so fast. A few months ago, terrible tooth pain. I tried my standard hydrogen peroxide treatment, 3% H2O2, which did a pretty good job to stop the inflammation. But it returned. Then to the dentist. Same story. cleaned out around the particular tooth, and recommended I use a chlorhexidine mouth wash for the next week or so. Now as a pharmacist I don’t particularly like chlorhexidine’s “side effects” so I decided not to start a conversation about it. I think him for his services and continued my H2O2 treatment for a couple of days, and everything felt fine.

Last week however the same tooth started to complain again, it woke me up at six in the morning and I decided to go back to the dentist and see what’s going on. He explored the area. “The best thing we can do is clean it out one more time. That way we are sure that it is no plaque left, and the irritation and inflammation can settle down.” So it was done, a cortisone cream was applied. With a piece of cotton in my mouth I asked him afterwards what can I do to prevent this? “Well, you can do the professional tooth cleaning more often, say, twice a year. You know studies are underway to find out whether dietary measures help, or particular supplements, however nothing conclusive is clear at the moment.” I got my preprinted prescription for chlorhexidine again, and went on my way. Clearly, time to dig deeper.

Now I believe there are no coincidences. Why does this turn up, while I’m just reading a book about the health benefits of baking powder for sodium bicarbonate? Of course nobody can answer that question. But when I started digging deeper about gingivitis, periodontitis andparodontosis, it all became clearer. Here’s the process: It all starts with plaque, which ultimately irritates the gums, which inflame and get sore. More space is opening up with between the gums and the tooth, and the plaque gets a chance to get even deeper into the pockets that started to emerge. Over time, which can take years, the gums retract more and more and the tooth starts to become loose, ultimately falling out. Depending on where you are in in the process, it is called gingivitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease.

Root cause analysis on Plaque.

As usual, we know that the people in white coats like to fix the symptoms. Por lo tanto, this requires some root cause analysis. Pregunta porque 5 veces, they say. All starts with the plaque. Why do we have that the first place all and what can we do about it? Wikipedia’s definition:

Dental plaque is a biofilm or mass of bacteria that grows on surfaces within the boca. It is a sticky colorless deposit at first, but when it forms tartar, it is often brown or pale yellow. It is commonly found between the teeth, on the front of teeth, behind teeth, on chewing surfaces, along with the gumline, or below the gumline cervical margins.[1] Dental plaque is also known as microbial plaque, oral biofilm, dental biofilm, dental plaque biofilm or bacterial plaque biofilm.[1]

Why? The clue, sin embargo, is further down:

Oral hygiene is important as dental biofilms may become acidic causing demineralization of the teeth (also known as dental caries) or harden into dental calculus (also known as tartar).[4] Calculus cannot be removed through tooth brushing or with interdental aids, but only through professional cleaning.[2]

Here we go – being acidic is the culprit once again. (btw, did you see the “only through professional cleaning” statement? Sounds like business to me.) Acidic. we have seen it in cancer (Otto Warburg), and now in Periodontitis. The acidic environment in our mouth is loved by the bacteria, or even caused by them – a chicken and egg problem. Why?

Acidifying Food

The food we eat can put our mouth and body into an acidic state. The food is also food for the bacteria. And in case you did not know, your mouth is a place full of bacteria. It is the opening where you breathe them in, eat and drink them in. Health starts and ends in your mouth. Mouth hygiene is critical. Studies have shown, that elderly people die less of pneumonia if they only would brush their teeth. También, connections are now made between gum disease and heart disease.

Which foods?

It is not necessarily the food itself that is acidic, it is the effect it has on our body’s acid/basic buffer balance. Foods claimed to put our mouth (and body) in an acidic state you can find in lists like this one from or from a blog like Matt Trivisonno, who does his own testing.

Other Reasons to get more alkaline

There are other important health reasons to get your body in a more alkaline state. Cancer cells, for one, do not like an alkaline environment. En realidad, it kills them off. There is a good doase description from Dr. Sircus about Vernon Johnston. Dr.. Marcos Sircus, Ac., OMD’s book is a very insightful document, explaining how well researched alkalinization is. To sustain life, our blood pH has to be about 7.3, not much more or less, because otherwise all our enzymatic processes would come to a halt and we would die. To keep it so we “buffer” the blood using carbon dioxide (CO2) we breath in/out to make it more acidic, and hydrogen bicarbonate to make it more alkaline. Sin embargo, when we deplete our stores by eating foods that acidify us, we start to break down our bone. One reason for higher incidence of osteoporosis. Other symptoms of being too acidic (acidosis) are blood clots, acid reflux, enfermedades del corazón, osteoporosis, gout, diabetes, hypertension, cáncer, stroke and many more. Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg, mentioned earlier, established that mitochondria in cancer cells are dysfunctional and cannot use oxygen effectively, cannot use fats for fuel, and therefore depend for survival on fermenting glucose as a fuel, producing 2 molecules of lactic acid – acidifying our body – the “Warburg effect” (see Fat for Fuel, Dr.. Mercola).

What can we do?

1. Avoid the root cause – the problem causing foods

Acidifying foods happen to be the same foods, that cause many other problems, such as, but not limited to leaky gut and autoimmune diseases (See Dr. Perlmutter’s Brain Maker).

2. Work on the next level – reduce acidity in your mouth and body.

This can be achieved by adding sodium bicarbonate (baking powder) to your meal and dental management plan. Ver, there are no coincidences! Mark Sircus writes: “Studies have shown that bicarbonate prevents plaque formation on the teeth and improves calcium absorption by the enamel. The positive effect of the bicarbonate on teeth was so widely acknowledged that toothpowder with sodium bicarbonate could be patented in the USA in October 1985. Sircus, Mark. Bicarbonato de sodio: Cancer Therapy for Everyone (German Edition) (Ubicaciones Kindle 2085-2088). Mobiwell. Versión Kindle. También: Over the years, scientists have been able to show a link between gum disease and cancer and cardiac disease on the other. “Our study provides the first conclusive evidence that periodontal disease increases the risk of building pancreatic cancer”.

Ideally, you measure the pH of your urine or saliva, and when you find it to be acidic, start the day with a teaspoon of baking powder in a glas of water on an empty stomach. Use pH test strips special for urine and saliva, such as those from HealthyWiser. You then start to get clear about what food does what to your body.

Brush your teeth with sodium bicarbonate (baking powder)

Not only does baking powder help to whiten teeth, it also ensures a nice basic environment to kill off the bacteria in your mouth, stopping plaque developing, even diminishing the biofilm. How?

1. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda with a few drops of water to make a paste.2. Scoop the paste up with your toothbrush.3. Brush your teeth for no longer than 2 minutes.4. Rinse your mouth and the toothbrush.5. Repeat every other day for 1 Para 2 weeks.6. Scale back to once or twice a week.

… via How to Whiten Teeth With Baking Soda: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

Además, a mouthwash of baking powder is an excellent way to get rid of your mouth ulcers..

3. Take a new approach to the toothbrush – go ultrasonic cleaning your teeth with EMMI Ultrasonic toothbrushes.

Doing research I found that there are many electric, or so called “sonic” toothbrushes – I have used one myself for over 10 years and managed to shave off parts of my teeth with it, as most kinds of toothpaste have abrasives in them which will even “sand away” your teeth. So if you do – use a soft brush, like my wife does. Now companies are jumping over each other with new features, to sell what is basically a more effectively abbrasive mechanical brush. What dentists do not know, or do not want to know is the difference between sonic and ultrasonic. One Germany company, EMMI, leapfrogged the whole industry and patented true ultrasonic technology that is built into the brush. No motor you have to try and control that is swinging around your brush in your mouth. Just hold the brush against your teeth, and move it every 6 seconds. The ultrasonic waves create imploding microbubbles that kill the bacteria, shattering them to pieces. More information about this unique device, a must have for anyone with gingivitis, see Emmi’s unique products. o look at my website with explanatory videos and FAQ.

What will I do now? I will focus on eliminating the root cause – taking measures 1, 2 y 3 above. I will do the flossing to get things out from between my teeth. I will look into Vitamin K2 below, already doing that and probiotics, and I will throw in an Oil pull a day. That will keep me from using chlorhexidine, for sure.

Enjoy continuing below with other measures suggested by the experts:

Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is the act of placing roughly a tablespoon of a good quality oil (preferably unrefined and organic) in your mouth and swishing the oil around for 15-20 minutes, forcing it back and forth through the teeth. The oil is then spit out (DO NOT SWALLOW THE OIL), and the mouth is rinsed with water or salt water and/or the teeth are brushed. It depends on which recommendations you follow.

Oil pulling is typically done first thing in the morning, before eating, and can be repeated up to three times per day. If you don’t have time in the morning, you can do it at other times during the day. Need more info on how to oil pull? Just watch the simple Mama Natural video below.

via Oil Pulling – Fact versus Fiction – Common Sense Homesteading

A recent study conducted in India and just published in the Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice shows once again the health benefits of “oil pulling” with coconut oil. The study compared regular coconut oil with commercial Chlorhexidine mouthwash and the effect on reducing Streptococcus mutans bacteria in the saliva. A control group was simply given distilled water. The study found that both the group that used the Chlorhexidine mouthwash and regular coconut oil significantly reduced Streptococcus mutans bacteria in the saliva. The coconut oil group used a method called “oil pulling,” an age-old practice in India that has gained modern popularity in promoting oral and systemic health. They rinsed their mouth with 10 ml of coconut oil for 10 minutes. via Reply to Study: Coconut Oil Pulling Kills Mouth Bacteria on Wed, 26 Apr 2017 13:49:59 GMT

High dose vitamin C

Published in the Journal of Periodontology

en 2000, this study found that individuals with the lowest vitamin C intake who also smoke, are likely to present the most pronounced clinical effect on their periodontal tissues. via Periodontal disease and vitamin C – healing periodontitis …

Java project on periodontal diseases: the relationship between vitamin C and the severity of

This study published in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology (2007) found that individuals with vitamin C deficiency (low plasma vitamin C levels) had more periodontal attachment loss which “suggests that vitamin C deficiency may contribute to the severity of periodontal breakdown”. via Periodontal disease and vitamin C – healing periodontitis …

Wishing to avoid the tremendous outlay for dental treatments the patient was facing and having previously heard of a University of Texas study according to which 1 gram of vitamin C per day could prevent periodontal disease, the patient immediately started taking 15 g of C per day, equally divided over three meals. After three months, he had his teeth x-rayed again. To the dentist’s amazement, the number and size of the patient’s periodontal pockets had strongly diminished, with some of the smaller pockets completely gone and the larger ones less than half their original size. Es interesante que, this person had not changed his diet or anything else about his lifestyle via Periodontal disease and vitamin C – healing periodontitis …

High K2 and lots of good probiotics, particularly the bifido family.

And it’s official. I’ve had two checkups by the dentist where she has said the same thing each time:

According to my dental history, my dentist should see gum redness, swelling, bleeding, signs of infection and most likely, sore, loose teeth.

Instead, my gums are pink, strong and healthy, my teeth stable and pain-free.

And here’s the best part: I now produce virtually no dental plaque! via Miracles Happen! Healing Teeth Naturally (and How NOT to …


Dr.. Herbert Shelton wrote in 1923: “In numerous cases that we have cared for, the gum inflammation has subsided, the ulcers have healed, pus formation has ceased and the loosened teeth have become firmly fixed in their sockets, and all of this has occurred while the patient was fasting.” via Healing Teeth Natural without Drugs, Surgery or Dentists (

What you might want to Avoid:

Flossing. Really?

Everyone Has Been Lying to You About Flossing Your Entire Life

Earlier this year, the US federal government released its dietary guidelines, omitting the recommendation to floss for the first time since 1979. The Associated Press—in a tremendous feat of investigative reporting to uncover the truth the slightly lazier-than-average American public deserves to know—questioned the reasoning and followed up with requests under the Freedom of Information Act. This week, the government revealed that the effectiveness of flossing had never been adequately researched.

According to the American Dental Association, flossing is “an essential part” of dental care, in that it helps remove plaque from between teeth and helps prevent gum disease and cavities. El AP, sin embargo, looked at 25 studies from the past decade to see where the research actually lies, focusing on the effectiveness of using a toothbrush versus the combination of toothbrushes and floss. According to The Guardian, journalists found that the “evidence for flossing is ‘weak, very unreliable,’ of ‘very low’ quality, and carries ‘a moderate to large potential for bias.'”

Todavía, when you floss, and things do get better, the question is: Did floss work or did you just become more diligent?” via Everyone Has Been Lying to You About Flossing Your Entire Life

My perspective: I think we have been lied to, intentionally or not, about the root cause of the disease. The methods mentioned above can clean up your mouth biome, and low and behold, the problem goes away. Not so with cleaning, flossing, fluoride and doing the same thing over again finding you still have the problem.


Dr.. Joe Mercola wrote in a recent article: You’re Still Told Fluoridation Prevents Tooth Decay, but Science Proves Other Wise. He interviewed Dr. Bill Osmunson, a dentist with a Masters Degree in Public Health, who has been studying the literature on fluoride. Dr.. Osmunson said that fluoride did not reduce decay to any significant degree, and it has many health risks such as lowered IQ, impaired thyroid function, weakened bones, and lowered immune function. He says it is more toxic than lead. via We have Gum Disease: Natural toothpaste and mouthwash for …

For those of you that are willing to think even more out of the box: Urine Therapy

Dr.. G.K. Thakkar (author of “Wonders of Uropathy” and former chairman of the “Water of Life Foundation”, India) stated that thoroughly washing one’s mouth with one’s own fresh urine has worked wonders (“almost 100% success”) with all manner of tooth and gum troubles. These include toothache healed (even the worst type of tooth pain, never failing in a single instance, with severest toothache disappearing in minutes) loose teeth firming up within a week incurable gingivitis, pyorrhea/periodontitis (bleeding gums) healed in a few days abscesses and canker sores healed via Urine therapy for the healing of – WHALE

Links to other related sites…Holistic and Natural Tooth Healing Sites

Editor’s Note: I am including these for general information. Use your own discretion before utilizing these ways… via Healing Teeth Natural without Drugs, Surgery or Dentists


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Busco la diferencia que hace la diferencia para los desafíos en la vida. Para mí, significa aprender, salir de la zona de confort, a menudo hacer olas con las vacas sagradas. Farmacéutico con grado de TI empresarial y coach certificada, entrenador de, hipnoterapeuta. Holandés nacido a ciudadano de Suiza.